While at UIC As a postdoc and graduate student
115 Electronic Structures and Spin Frustration in Ln3O Neutrals and Anions Determined by Anion Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Caleb D. Huizenga, Shivangi Vaish, Lee M. Thompson, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2025, 162, 054301 1-18.
114 Photoelectron-Remnant Interaction Effect on Remnant Wavefunction in Low-Kinetic Energy Electron Detachment Events
Adam M. Kinyua, Hrant P. Hratchian, Caroline Chick Jarrold, and Lee M. Thompson, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2025, 162, 064304 1-14.
113 Anion Photoelectron Imaging Spectroscopy of C6F5X- (X = F, Cl, Br, I)
Kristen Rose McGinnis, Conor J. McGee, Thomas Sommerfeld, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2024, 128, 5646-5658.
112 Electronic Structures of Small Stoichiometric ZnxOx Clusters
Shivangi Vaish, Abigail O. Gyamfi, Caleb D. Huizenga, Hrant P. Hratchian, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A , 2024, 128, 6450 - 6460.
111 Isomer-dependent Electron Affinities of Fluorophenyl Radicals, .C6H(5-x)Fx (2= x =4)
Kristen Rose McGinnis, Conor J. McGee, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2024, 146, 7063-7075.
110 Trend in the Electron Affinities of Fluorophenyl Radicals, .C6H(5-x)Fx
Conor J. McGee, Kristen Rose McGinnis, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2023, 127, 7264-7273.
109 Anion Photoelectron Imaging Spectroscopy of C6HF5, C6F6, and the Absence of C6H2F4-
Conor J. McGee, Kristen Rose McGinnis, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2023, 127, 8556-8565.
108 Electronic Structure of Heteronuclear Cerium-Platinum Clusters
Jarrett L. Mason, Caleb D. Huizenga, Manisha Ray, Jared O. Kafader, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2023, 127, 6749-6763.
107 Charge Distribution in Oxygen-Fluorobenzene Complex Anions [O2.C6H(6-n)Fn]- (n = 0 - 6)]
Jeremy U. Davis, Caroline Chick Jarrold, and Thomas Sommerfeld, Chemical Physics, 574, 112023 1-9 (2023).
106 Virtual Special Issue: Experiment-Theory Synergies in the Study of Metal- and Metal-Containing Clusters.
Christine M. Aikens and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2023, 127, 3-5.
105 Probing Anion-Molecule Complexes of Atmospheric Relevance using Anion Photoelectron Detachment Spectroscopy
Caroline Chick Jarrold, ACS Physical Chemistry Au, 2023, 3, 17-29.
104 Identification of Stable Perfluorocarbons Formed by Hyperthermal Decomposition of Graphite Fluoride using Anion Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Brett A. Williams, Allen R. Siedle, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126 9965-9978 (2022).
103 Identification of Isoprene Oxidation Reaction Products via Anion Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Marissa A. Dobulis, Michael C. Thompson, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125, 10089-10102 (2021).
102 New Photoelectron-Valence Electron Interactions Evident in the Photoelectron Spectrum of Gd2O-
Jarrett L. Mason, Hassan Harb, Ali Abou Taka, Caleb D. Huizenga, Hector H. Corzo, Hrant P. Hratchian, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 125, 9892–9903 (2021).
101 Autodetachment over Broad Photon Energy Ranges in the Anion Photoelectron Spectra of [O2-M]- (M = Glyoxal, Methylglyoxal, or Biacetyl) Complex Anions
Marissa A. Dobulis, Conor J. McGee, Thomas Sommerfeld, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 125, 9128-9142 (2021).
99 More than little fragments of matter: Electronic and molecular structures of clusters
Jarrett L. Mason, Carley N. Folluo, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 154, 200901 1-17 (2021).
98 Photoelectron Spectra of Gd2O2- and non-monotonic photon-energy dependent variations in populations of close-lying neutral states
"Photoelectron Spectra of Gd2O2- and non-monotonic photon-energy dependent variations in populations of close-lying neutral states," Jarrett Mason, Hassan Harb, Ali Abou Taka, Abbey McMahon, Caleb Huizenga, Hector Corzon, Hrant Hratchian, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 125, 857-866 (2021). ACS EDITORS' CHOICE
97 Synthesis and laser ablation of nitrogen-doped carbon materials
"Synthesis and laser ablation of nitrogen-doped carbon materials," Brett Williams, Marissa Dobulis, Yaroslav Losovyj, Ulrike Werner-Zwanziger, Allen Siedle, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125, 1570-1577 (2021).
96 Using anion photoelectron spectroscopy of cluster models to gain insights into mechanisms of catalyst-mediated H2 production from water
"Using anion photoelectron spectroscopy of cluster models to gain insights into mecahnisms of catalyst -mediated H2 production from water." Abbey J. McMahon and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2020) DOI: 10.1039/d0cp05055e
95 Temporary anion states of fluorine substituted benzenes probed by charge transfer in O2-·C6H6-xFx (x = 0 − 5) ion-molecule complexes
“Temporary anion states of fluorine substituted benzenes probed by charge transfer in O2-·C6H6-xFx (x = 0 − 5) ion-molecule complexes,” Marissa A. Dobulis, Michael C. Thompson, Thomas Sommerfeld, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Phyics, 152, 204309 1-10 (2020).
94 Emerging Non-Valence Anion States of [Isoprene-H·]·H2O Accessed via Detachment of OH−·Isoprene
“Emerging Non-Valence Anion States of [Isoprene-H·]·H2O Accessed via Detachment of OH−·Isoprene,” Marissa A. Dobulis, Michael C. Thompson, Kellyn M. Patros, Thomas Sommerfeld, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124, 2279-2287 (2020).
93 The striking influence of oxiphilicity differences in heterometallic oxide cluster reactions with water
92 Exceptionally Complex Electronic Structures of Lanthanide Oxides and Small Molecules
“Exceptionally Complex Electronic Structures of Lanthanide Oxides and Small Molecules,” Jarrett L. Mason, Hassan Harb, Josey E. Topolski, Hrant P. Hratchian and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Accounts of Chemical Research, 52, 3265-3273 (2019).
91 Mo-Insertion into the H2 Bond in MoxSy- + H2 Reactions
“Mo-Insertion into the H2 Bond in MoxSy- + H2 Reactions,” Ankur Gupta, Josey E. Topolski, Kathleen Nickson, Caroline Chick Jarrold, and Krishnan Raghavachari, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 123, 7261-7269 (2019). Leo Radom Festschrift
90 Electronic and Molecular Structures of the CeB6 Monomer
“Electronic and Molecular Structures of the CeB6 Monomer,” Jarrett L. Mason, Hassan Harb, Caleb D. Huizenga, Joshua Ewigleben, Josey E. Topolski, Hrant P. Hratchian, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 123, 2040-2048 (2019). DOI 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b12399 Hanna Reisler Festschrift
89 Vibrationally resolved photoelectron spectrum of ZnBr-
“Vibrationally resolved photoelectron spectrum of ZnBr-,” by Jarrett L. Mason, Joshua Ewigleben, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 357, 38-40 (2019).
88 Probing alkenoxy radical electronic structure using anion PEI spectroscopy
"Probing alkenoxy radical electronic structure using anion PEI spectroscopy," Kellyn M. Patros, Jennifer E. Mann, Marissa A. Dobulis, Michael C. Thompson, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 150, 034301 1-11 (2019).
87 Photoelectrons are NOT Always Quite Free
"Photoelectrons are NOT Always Quite Free," Jarrett L. Mason, Josey E. Topolski, Joshua C. Ewigleben, Srinivasan S. Iyengar, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10, 144-149 (2019).
86 A tale of two stabilities: How one boron atom affects a switch in bonding motifs in CeO2Bx- (x = 2, 3) complexes
“A tale of two stabilities: How one boron atom affects a switch in bonding motifs in CeO2Bx- (x = 2, 3) complexes,” Jarrett L. Mason, Hassan Harb, Josey E. Topolski, Hrant P. Hratchian, Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 122, 9879-9885 (2018).
85 Evidence of CF2 Loss from Fluorine-rich Cluster Anions Generated from Laser Ablation of Graphite Fluoride
“Evidence of CF2 Loss from Fluorine-rich Cluster Anions Generated from Laser Ablation of Graphite Fluoride,” Brett A. Williams, Allen R.Siedle, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 122, 9894-9900 (2018).
84 Hydrogen Evolution from Water Reactions with Molybdenum Sulfide Cluster Anions
“Hydrogen Evolution from Water Reactions with Molybdenum Sulfide Cluster Anions,” Josey E. Topolski, Ankur K. Gupta, Kathleen A. Nickson, Krishnan Raghavachari, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 434, 193-201 (2018). Helmut Schwarz Honor Issue of IJMS
83 Exotic electronic structures of SmxCe3-xOy (x = 0-3; y = 2-4) clusters, and the effect of high neutral density of low-lying states on photodetachment transition intensities
“Exotic electronic structures of SmxCe3-xOy (x = 0-3; y = 2-4) clusters, and the effect of high neutral density of low-lying states on photodetachment transition intensities,” Josey E. Topolski, Jared O. Kafader, Vicmarie Marrero-Colón, Srinivasan S. Iyengar, Hrant P. Hratchian, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 149, 054305 1-17 (2018).
82 Mechanistic Role of Two-State Reactivity in a Molecular MoS2 Edge-Site Analogue for Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalysis
“Mechanistic Role of Two-State Reactivity in a Molecular MoS2 Edge-Site Analogue for Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalysis," Richard Schaugaard, Caroline Chick Jarrold, and Krishnan Raghavachari, Inorganic Chemistry, 57, 9167-9174 (2018).
81 Insight into Ethylene Interactions with Molybdenum Suboxide Cluster Anions from Photoelectron Spectra of Chemifragments
"Insight into Ethylene Interactions with Molybdenum Suboxide Cluster Anions from Photoelectron Spectra of Chemifragments," Richard N. Schaugaard, Josey E. Topolski (RNS and JET co-first authors), Manisha Ray, Krishnan Raghavachari, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 148, 054308 1-13 (2018).
80 Molybdenum Oxide Cluster Anion Reactions with C2H4 and H2O: Cooperativity and Chemifragmentation
“Molybdenum Oxide Cluster Anion Reactions with C2H4 and H2O: Cooperativity and Chemifragmentation,” Manisha Ray, Richard N. Schaugaard, Josey E. Topolski, Jared O. Kafader, Krishnan Raghavachari, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 122, 41-52 (2018). .
79 Ce in the +4 oxidation state: Anion photoelectron spectroscopy and photodissociation of small CexOyHz- molecules
“Ce in the +4 oxidation state: Anion photoelectron spectroscopy and photodissociation of small CexOyHz- molecules,” Josey E. Topolski, Jared O. Kafader, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 147, 104303 1-10 (2017). doi:
78 O2−·[Polar VOC] Complexes: H-bonding versus Charge-dipole Interactions, and the Non-innocence of Formaldehyde
"O2−·[Polar VOC] Complexes: H-bonding versus Charge-dipole Interactions, and the Non-innocence of Formaldehyde," Kellyn M. Patros, Jennifer E. Mann, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 121, 5459-5467 (2017).
77 The electron shuffle: Cerium influences samarium 4f orbital occupancy in heteronuclear Ce-Sm oxide clusters
"The electron shuffle: Cerium influences samarium 4f orbital occupancy in heteronuclear Ce-Sm oxide clusters," Jared O. Kafader, Josey E. Topolski, Vicmarie Marerro Colon, Srinivasan Iyengar, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 146, 194310 1-13 (2017) .
76 Elucidating Cerium + H2O Reactivity through Electronic Structure: A Combined PES and DFT Study
“Elucidating Cerium + H2O Reactivity through Electronic Structure: A Combined PES and DFT Study,” Josey E. Topolski, Jared O. Kafader, Manisha Ray, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 336, 1-11 (2017). RAO PRIZE ARTICLE
75 Explaining the MoVO4- Photoelectron Spectrum: Rationalization of Geometric and Electronic Structure
“Explaining the MoVO4- Photoelectron Spectrum: Rationalization of Geometric and Electronic Structure,” Lee M. Thompson, Caroline Chick Jarrold, and Hrant P. Hratchian, Journal of Chemical Physics, 146, 104301 1-8 (2017).
74 Molecular and electronic structures of cerium and cerium suboxide clusters
“Molecular and electronic structures of cerium and cerium suboxide clusters,” Jared O. Kafader, Josey E. Topolski, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal Chemical Physics, 145, 154306 1-17 (2016).
73 Photoelectron Imaging Spectra of O2-.VOC and O4-.VOC complexes
“Photoelectron Imaging Spectra of O2-.VOC and O4-.VOC complexes,” Kellyn Patros, Jennifer Mann, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 120, 7828-7838 (2016).
72 Mixed cerium-platinum oxides: Electronic structure of [CeO]Ptn (n = 1, 2)and [CeO2]Pt complex anions and neutrals
"Mixed cerium-platinum oxides: Electronic structure of [CeO]Ptn (n = 1, 2)and [CeO2]Pt complex anions and neutrals," Manisha Ray, Jared O. Kafader, Josey E. Topolski, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 145, 044317 (2016).
71 Effect of alkyl group on MxOy- + ROH (M = Mo, W; R = Me, Et) reaction rates
"Effect of alkyl group on MxOy- + ROH (M = Mo, W; R = Me, Et) reaction rates," Manisha Ray, Sarah E. Waller, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 120, 1508-1519 (2016).
70 Role of weakly-bound complexes in temperature-dependence and relative rates of MxOy- + H2O (M = Mo, W) reactions
"Role of weakly-bound complexes in temperature-dependence and relative rates of MxOy- + H2O (M = Mo, W) reactions," Jared O. Kafader, Manisha Ray, Krishnan Raghavachari, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 144, 074307 1-9 (2016).
69 Photoelectron Spectrum of PrO-
"Photoelectron Spectrum of PrO-,"Jared O. Kafader, Manisha Ray, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 143, 064305 1-6 (2015).
68 Low-lying electronic structure of EuH, EuOH and EuO neutrals and anions determined by anion photoelectron spectroscopy and DFT calculations
"Low-lying electronic structure of EuH, EuOH and EuO neutrals and anions determined by anion photoelectron spectroscopy and DFT calculations," Jared O. Kafader, Manisha Ray, and Carolind Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 142, 034305 1-9 (2015).
67 Photoelectron imaging and photodissociation of ozonide in O3-.(O2)n (n = 1 - 4) clusters
“Photoelectron imaging and photodissociation of ozonide in O3-.(O2)n (n = 1 - 4) clusters,” Jennifer E. Mann, Mary E. Troyer, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 142, 124305 1-7 (2015).
66 Photoelectron Spectra of CeO- and CeO2H2-
“Photoelectron Spectra of CeO- and CeO2H2-,” Manisha Ray, Jeremy Felton, Jared Kafader, Josey Topolski, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 142, 064305 1-8 (2015).
65 Comparative study of water reactions with Mo2Oy- and W2Oy- clusters: A combined experimental and theoretical investigation
"Comparative study of water reactions with Mo2Oy- and W2Oy- clusters: A combined experimental and theoretical investigation," Manisha Ray, Sarah E. Waller, Arjun Saha, Krishnan Raghavachari, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 141, 104310 1-9 (2014).
64 CexOy- (x = 2 - 3) + D2O reactions: Stoichiometric cluster formation from deuteroxide decay and anti-Arrhenius behavior
"CexOy- (x = 2 - 3) + D2O reactions: Stoichiometric cluster formation from deuteroxide decay and anti-Arrhenius behavior," Jeremy A. Felton, Manisha Ray, Sarah E. Waller, Jared O. Kafader, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 118, 9960-9969 (2014).
63 RH and H2 production in reactions between ROH and small molybdenum oxide cluster anions
"RH and H2 production in reactions between ROH and small molybdenum oxide cluster anions," Sarah E. Waller and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 118, 8493-8504 (2014). DOI 10.1021/jp502021k . A.W. Castleman, Jr Festschrift
62 Measurement of the electron affinity of atomic Ce
"Measurement of the electron affinity of atomic Ce," Jeremy A. Felton, Manisha Ray, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Physical Review A, 89, 033047 (2014).
61 A Simple Relationship Between Oxidation State and Electron Affinity in Gas-Phase Metal-oxo Complexes
"A Simple Relationship Between Oxidation State and Electron Affinity in Gas-Phase Metal-oxo Complexes," Sarah E. Waller, Manisha Ray, Bruce L. Yoder, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117, 13919-13925 (2013). Terry Miller Festschrift
60 New Insights on Photocatalytic H2 Liberation from Water using Transition Metal Oxides: Lessons from Cluster Models of Molybdenum and Tungsten Oxides
"New Insights on Photocatalytic H2 Liberation from Water using Transition Metal Oxides: Lessons from Cluster Models of Molybdenum and Tungsten Oxides," Raghunath Ramabhadran, Jennifer E. Mann, Sarah E. Waller, David W. Rothgeb, Caroline Chick Jarrold and Krishnan Raghavachari, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135, 17039-17051 (2013).
59 The Shift from Covalent to Ionic Bonding in Al2MoOy (y = 2 − 4) Anion and Neutral Clusters
“The Shift from Covalent to Ionic Bonding in Al2MoOy (y = 2 − 4) Anion and Neutral Clusters,“ Jennifer E. Mann, Sarah E. Waller and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117, 12116-12124 (2013). Curt Wittig Festschrift
58 Asymmetric partitioning of metals among cluster anions and cations generated via laser ablation of mixed aluminum/group 6 transition metal targets
“Asymmetric partitioning of metals among cluster anions and cations generated via laser ablation of mixed aluminum/group 6 transition metal targets,” Sarah E. Waller, Jennifer E. Mann, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 117, 1765 (2013).
57 Study of MoNbOy (y = 2 − 5) Anion and Neutral Clusters Using Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory Calculations: Impact of Spin Contamination on Single Point Calculations
“Study of MoNbOy (y = 2 − 5) Anion and Neutral Clusters Using Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory Calculations: Impact of Spin Contamination on Single Point Calculations,” Sarah E. Waller, Jennifer E. Mann, David W. Rothgeb and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 116, 9639-9652 (2012).
56 Electronic structures of WAlOy and WAlOy− (y = 2 − 4) determined by anion photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations
"Electronic structures of WAlOy and WAlOy− (y = 2 − 4) determined by anion photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations," Jennifer E. Mann, Sarah E. Waller and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 137, Article 044301 (2012).
55 Electronic structures of AlMoOy− (y = 1 − 4) determined by photoelectron spectroscopy and DFT calculations
“Electronic structures of AlMoOy− (y = 1 − 4) determined by photoelectron spectroscopy and DFT calculations,” Sarah E. Waller, Jennifer E. Mann, Ekram Hossain, Mary Troyer and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 137, Article 024302 (2012).
54 Properties of Metal Oxide Clusters in non-Traditional Oxidation States
"Properties of Metal Oxide Clusters in non-Traditional Oxidation States" Jennifer E. Mann, Nicholas J. Mayhall and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Chemical Physics Letters, 525-6, pages: 1-12 (2012).
53 Study of Nb2Oy (y = 2 − 5) anion and neutral clusters using photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations
"Study of Nb2Oy (y = 2 − 5) anion and neutral clusters using photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations", Jennifer E. Mann, Sarah E. Waller, David W. Rothgeb and Caroline Chick Jarrold,Journal of Chemical Physics, 135 page 104317 (2011).
52 Structures of trimetallic molybdenum and tungsten suboxide cluster anions
"Structures of trimetallic molybdenum and tungsten suboxide cluster anions", David W. Rothgeb, Jennifer E. Mann, Sarah E. Waller and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 135, page 104312 (2011).
51 Resonant two-photon detachment of WO2−
"Resonant two-photon detachment of WO2−", Jennifer E. Mann, Sarah E. Waller, David W. Rothgeb and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Chemical Physics Letters, 506, pages: 31-36 (2011).
50 Study of MoVOy− (y = 2-5) anion and neutral clusters using anion photoelectron spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory calculations
"Study of MoVOy− (y = 2-5) anion and neutral clusters using anion photoelectron spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory calculations", Jennifer E. Mann, David W. Rothgeb, Sarah E. Waller and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 114, page 11312 (2010).
49 H2 production from reactions between water and small molybdenum suboxide cluster anions
"H2 production from reactions between water and small molybdenum suboxide cluster anions", David W. Rothgeb, Jennifer Mann and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 133, 054305 (2010).
48 CO2 reduction by group 6 metal suboxide cluster anions
"CO2 reduction by group 6 metal suboxide cluster anions", Ekram Hossain, David W. Rothgeb, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 133, Article 024305 (2010).
47 Disparate product distributions observed in Mo(3-x)WxOy− (x = 0) reactions with D2O and CO2
"Disparate product distributions observed in Mo(3-x)WxOy− (x = 0) reactions with D2O and CO2", David W. Rothgeb, Ekram Hossain, Jennifer E. Mann, and Caroline C. Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics 131, Article 064302 (2010).
46 Termination of the W2Oy−+H2O/D2O → W2Oy+1−+H2/D2 sequential oxidation reaction: An exploration of kinetic versus thermodynamic effects
"Termination of the W2Oy−+H2O/D2O → W2Oy+1−+H2/D2 sequential oxidation reaction: An exploration of kinetic versus thermodynamic effects",David W. Rothgeb, Ekram Hossain, Nicholas J. Mayhall, Krishnan Raghavachari, and Caroline C. Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 131, Article 144306 (2009).
45 Water reactivity with tungsten oxides: H2 production and kinetic traps
"Water reactivity with tungsten oxides: H2 production and kinetic traps", Nicholas J. Mayhall, David W. Rothgeb, Ekram Hossain, Caroline C. Jarrold and Krishnan Raghavachari, Journal of Chemical Physics, 131, Article 144302 (2009).
44 Structures of MoxW(3−x)O6 (x=0–3) anion and neutral clusters determined by anion photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations
"Structures of MoxW(3−x)O6 (x=0–3) anion and neutral clusters determined by anion photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations", David W. Rothgeb, Ekram Hossain, Angela T. Kuo, Jennifer L. Troyer and Caroline C. Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 131, Article 044310 (2009).
43 Unusual Products observed in gas phase WxOy− + H2O and D2O reactions
"Unusual Products observed in gas phase WxOy− + H2O and D2O reactions"David W. Rothgeb, Ekram Hossain, Angela T. Kuo, Jennifer L. Troyer, Caroline C. Jarrold, Nicholas J. Mayhall and Krishnan Raghavachari, Journal of Chemical Physics, 130, Article 124314 (2009).
42 Electronic structures of MoWOy− and MoWOy determined by anion photoelectron spectroscopy and DFT calculations
"Electronic structures of MoWOy− and MoWOy determined by anion photoelectron spectroscopy and DFT calculations",Nicholas J. Mayhall, David W. Rothgeb, Ekram Hossain, Krishnan Raghavachari, and Caroline C. Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 130, Article 124313 (2009).
41 Electronic structure of coordinatively unsaturated molybdenum and molybdenum oxide carbonyls
"Electronic structure of coordinatively unsaturated molybdenum and molybdenum oxide carbonyls", Ekram Hossain and Caroline C. Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 130, Article 064301 (2009).
40 Tungsten carbide revisited: New anion PE spectrum and DFT calculations
"Tungsten carbide revisited: New anion PE spectrum and DFT calculations", David W. Rothgeb, Ekram Hossain, and Caroline C. Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 129, Article 114304 (2008).
39 Solvation of O2− and O4− by p-difluorobenzene and p-xylene studied by photoelectron spectroscopy
"Solvation of O2− and O4− by p-difluorobenzene and p-xylene studied by photoelectron spectroscopy", Cheolhwa Kang, Jennifer L. Troyer, Erica M. Robertson, David W. Rothgeb, Ekram Hossain, Richard B. Wyrwas, Charles S. Parmenter, and Caroline C. Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 128, Article 104309 (2008).
38 Reactions between CO and small molybdenum suboxide cluster anions
"Reactions between CO and small molybdenum suboxide cluster anions", Richard B. Wyrwas, Erica M. Robertson, and Caroline C. Jarrold,Journal of Chemical Physics, 126, Article 214309 (2007).
37 Production of C6O6 from oligomerization of CO on molybdenum anions
"Production of C6O6 from oligomerization of CO on molybdenum anions", Richard B. Wyrwas and Caroline C. Jarrold, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128, 13689 (2006).
36 Addition of NH3 to Al3O3
"Addition of NH3 to Al3O3",Richard B. Wyrwas, Caroline Chick Jarrold, Ujjal Das and Krishnan Raghavachari, Journal of Chemical Physics 124, Art. No. 201101 (2006).
35 Reactivity of small MoxOy clusters toward methane and ethane
"Reactivity of small MoxOy clusters toward methane and ethane", Richard B. Wyrwas, Bruce L. Yoder, Joshua T. Maze, and Caroline Chick Jarrold,Journal of Physical Chemistry A 110, 2157-2164 (2006).
34 Comparison of nickel-group metal cyanides and acetylides and their anions using anion photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations
"Comparison of nickel-group metal cyanides and acetylides and their anions using anion photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations", Bappaditya Chatterjee, F. Ahu Akin, Caroline Chick Jarrold and Krishnan Raghavachari, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 109 6880-6886 (2005).
33 Structures of Mo2Oy− and Mo2Oy (y = 2, 3, and 4) studied by anion photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations
"Structures of Mo2Oy− and Mo2Oy (y = 2, 3, and 4) studied by anion photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations", Bruce L. Yoder, Joshua T. Maze, Krishnan Raghavachari, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics 122 Art. No. 094313 (2005).
32 Addition of water to Al5O4 determined by anion photoelectron spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations
"Addition of water to Al5O4 determined by anion photoelectron spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations", Ujjal Das, Krishnan Raghavachari and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics 122, Art. No. 014313 (2005).
While at UIC
31 Reactivity of Al3O3 toward H2O studied by density functional theory
"Reactivity of Al3O3 toward H2O studied by density functional theory", F. Ahu Akin and Caroline C. Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics 120, 8698-8706 (2004).
30 A comparison of stable carbonyls formed in the gas phase reaction between group 10 atomic anions and methanol or methoxy radicals: Anion photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations on HNiCO PdCO and PtCO
"A comparison of stable carbonyls formed in the gas phase reaction between group 10 atomic anions and methanol or methoxy radicals: Anion photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations on HNiCO PdCO and PtCO", Bappaditya Chatterjee, F. Ahu Akin, Caroline Chick Jarrold and Krishnan Raghavachari, Journal of Chemical Physics, 119,10591-10599 (2003).
29 Addition of water and methanol to Al3O3− studied by mass spectrometry and anion photoelectron spectroscopy
"Addition of water and methanol to Al3O3− studied by mass spectrometry and anion photoelectron spectroscopy", F. Ahu Akin and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics 118, 5841-5851 (2003).
28 Separating contributions from multiple structural isomers in anion photoelectron spectra: Al3O3− beam hole burning
"Separating contributions from multiple structural isomers in anion photoelectron spectra: Al3O3− beam hole burning", F. Ahu Akin and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 118 1773-1778 (2003).
27 Comparison of CaF, ZnF, CaO, and ZnO: Their anions and cations in their ground and low-lying excited states
"Comparison of CaF, ZnF, CaO, and ZnO: Their anions and cations in their ground and low-lying excited states", James F. Harrison, Robert W. Field and Caroline Chick Jarrold, ACS Symposium Series, 828, 238 (2002). DOI: 10.1021/bk-2002-0828.ch011
26 The electronic structure of ZnO and ZnF determined by anion photoelectron spectroscopy
"The electronic structure of ZnO and ZnF determined by anion photoelectron spectroscopy", Vicki D. Moravec, Stephan A. Klopcic, Bappaditya Chatterjee, and Caroline Chick Jarrold,Chemical Physics Letters, 341, 313 (2001).
25 Study of tin- and tin cluster-cyano complexes using anion photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional calculations
"Study of tin- and tin cluster-cyano complexes using anion photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional calculations", Vicki D. Moravec and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 113, 1035 (2000).
24 The electronic structure of PdC2H and PdC2HN determined by anion photoelectron spectroscopy
"The electronic structure of PdC2H and PdC2HN determined by anion photoelectron spectroscopy", Vicki D. Moravec and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 112, 792 (2000).
23 Photoelectron spectrum of PdO−
"Photoelectron spectrum of PdO−", Stephan A. Klopcic, Vicki D. Moravec, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 110, 10216 (1999).
22 Anion photoelectron spectroscopy of PdCO− and PdCN−: Reactivity of Pd−
"Anion photoelectron spectroscopy of PdCO− and PdCN−: Reactivity of Pd−", Stephan A. Klopcic, Vicki D. Moravec, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 110, 8986 (1999).
21 Anion photoelectron spectroscopy of small tin clusters
"Anion photoelectron spectroscopy of small tin clusters", Vicki D. Moravec, Stephan A. Klopcic, and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 110, 5079 (1999).
20 Study of NiO- and NiO using negative ion photoelectron spectroscopy
"Study of NiO- and NiO using negative ion photoelectron spectroscopy", Vicki D. Moravec and Caroline Chick Jarrold, Journal of Chemical Physics, 108, 1804 (1998).
As a postdoc and graduate student
19 Synthesis of Size-Selected, Surface Passivated InP Nanocrystals
"Synthesis of Size-Selected, Surface Passivated InP Nanocrystals", A. A. Guzelian, J. E. B. Katari, A. V. Kadavanich U. Banin, K. Hamad, E. Juban, A. P. Alivisatos, and R. H. Wolters, C. C. Arnold, and J. R. Heath, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100, 7212 (1996).
18 Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Zero Electron Kinetic Energy Spectroscopy of Germanium Cluster Anions
"Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Zero Electron Kinetic Energy Spectroscopy of Germanium Cluster Anions", Gordon R. Burton, Cangshan Xu, Caroline C. Arnold, and Daniel M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics, 104, 2757 (1996).
17 The Physical Chemistry of Size and Shape: Beyond the fullerenes
"The Physical Chemistry of Size and Shape: Beyond the fullerenes", Joseph S. Shiang, Caroline C. Arnold, Daniel V. Leff, Rolf H. Wolters, Pamela Ohara, and James R. Heath, NATO ASI Series E, Vol 316, The Chemical Physics of Fullerenes 10 (and 5) Years Later, ed. by W. Andreoni p. 461 (1996).
16 Study of the Low-lying States of Ge2− and Ge2 using Negative Ion Zero Electron Kinetic Energy Spectroscopy
"Study of the Low-lying States of Ge2− and Ge2 using Negative Ion Zero Electron Kinetic Energy Spectroscopy", Caroline C. Arnold, Cangshan Xu, Gordon R. Burton, and Daniel M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics, 102, 6982 (1995).
15 Negative Ion Threshold Photodetachment Spectroscopy of the I-CH3 I N2 Reaction Intermediate
"Negative Ion Threshold Photodetachment Spectroscopy of the I-CH3 I N2 Reaction Intermediate", Caroline C. Arnold, Daniel M. Neumark, Donna M. Cyr, and Mark A. Johnson, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99, 1633 (1995).
14 Study of InP/In2P− and InP2/InP2− using negative ion threshold photodetachment spectroscopy
"Study of InP/In2P− and InP2/InP2− using negative ion threshold photodetachment spectroscopy", Caroline C. Arnold and Daniel M. Neumark, Canadian Journal of Physics, 72, 1322 (1994).
13 Study of the ArBr−, ArI−, and KrI− Anions and their Corresponding Neutral van der Waals Complexes by Anion Zero Electron Kinetic Energy Spectroscopy
"Study of the ArBr−, ArI−, and KrI− Anions and their Corresponding Neutral van der Waals Complexes by Anion Zero Electron Kinetic Energy Spectroscopy", Yuexing Zhao, Ivan Yourshaw, Georg Reiser, Caroline C. Arnold, and Daniel M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics, 101, 6538 (1994).
12 Anion Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Small Indium Phosphide Clusters
"Anion Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Small Indium Phosphide Clusters", (InxPy−; x, y = 1 - 4),Cangshan Xu, Esther de Beer, Don W. Arnold, Caroline C. Arnold, and Daniel M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics, 101, 5604 (1994).
11 The Study of Small Carbon and Silicon Clusters using Negative Ion Photodetachment Techniques
"The Study of Small Carbon and Silicon Clusters using Negative Ion Photodetachment Techniques", Caroline C. Arnold and Daniel M. Neumark, Advances in Metal and Semiconductor Clusters, Vol. III, Edited by M. Duncan, JAI Press, Greenwich (1994).
10 Threshold Photodetachment (ZEKE) Spectroscopy of Si3−
"Threshold Photodetachment (ZEKE) Spectroscopy of Si3−", Caroline C. Arnold and Daniel M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics 100, 1797 (1994).
9 Study of Si4 and Si4− using Threshold Photodetachment (ZEKE) Spectroscopy
"Study of Si4 and Si4− using Threshold Photodetachment (ZEKE) Spectroscopy", Caroline C. Arnold and Daniel M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics 99, 3353 (1993).
8 Study of C6− and C6 with Threshold Photodetachment Spectroscopy and Autodetachment Spectroscopy- Reply
"Study of C6− and C6 with Threshold Photodetachment Spectroscopy and Autodetachment Spectroscopy- Reply", Caroline C. Arnold and Daniel M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics 99, 1442 (1993).
7 Reassignment of the Si2− Photodetachment Spectra
"Reassignment of the Si2− Photodetachment Spectra", Caroline C. Arnold, Theofanis N. Kitsopoulos and Daniel M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics, 99, 766 (1993).
6 Study of the ICO2 van der Waals Complex by Threshold Photodetachment Spectroscopy of ICO
"Study of the ICO2 van der Waals Complex by Threshold Photodetachment Spectroscopy of ICO", Yuexing X. Zhao, Caroline C. Arnold and Daniel M. Neumark, Journal of the Chemical Society - Faraday Transactions, 89, 1449 (1993). DOI: 10.1039/FT9938901449
5 Study of C6− and C6 with Threshold Photodetachment Spectroscopy and Autodetachment Spectroscopy
"Study of C6− and C6 with Threshold Photodetachment Spectroscopy and Autodetachment Spectroscopy", Caroline C. Arnold, Yuexing X. Zhao, Theofanis N. Kitsopoulos and Daniel M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics, 97, 6121 (1992).
4 Dielectric Relaxation of Intercalated Cd2P2S6
"Dielectric Relaxation of Intercalated Cd2P2S6", Jeff A. Read, Caroline Chick and Anthony H. Francis, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 96, 2010 (1992).
3 Threshold Photodetachment Spectroscopy of C5
"Threshold Photodetachment Spectroscopy of C5", Theofanis N. Kitsopoulos, Caroline J. Chick, Yuexing Zhao and Daniel M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics, 95 5479 (1991).
2 Study of the Low-lying Electronic States of Si2 and Si2 Using Negative Ion Photodetachment Techniques
"Study of the Low-lying Electronic States of Si2 and Si2 Using Negative Ion Photodetachment Techniques", Theofanis N. Kitsopoulos, Caroline J. Chick, Yuexing Zhao and Daniel M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics, 95, 1441 (1991).
1 Vibrationally Resolved Photoelectron Spectra of Si3− and Si4−
"Vibrationally Resolved Photoelectron Spectra of Si3− and Si4−", Theofanis N. Kitsopoulos, Caroline J. Chick, Alexandra Weaver and Daniel M. Neumark, Journal of Chemical Physics, 93, 6108 (1990).